The picture above is of my great great grandparents, John and Mary Stacey, and probably their 4 youngest children.
Their youngest son George was born in 1882 so that would date this photograph mid to late 1880s.
I will start my thoughts with John and Mary who are the maternal branch of my family.

Wednesday, 23 October 2024

Another find in old newspaper. 

I first wrote about my grandmother Edith Butler in 1912 Edith Butler

This newspaper story is a sad one which is often on my mind.  This article is from a Sheffield Newspaper and was written to advertise an insurance policy they offered at that time.  My mum was only 3 so too young to know anything about the story at that time and knew very little as she got older. She always said that her dad must have loved her mum so much that he wouldn't talk about her as it upset him too much.  I wouldn't have know any of this either if not for the Sheffield Daily Independent  dated Tuesday 17th November 1925. 

Such a sad thing to happen to anyone but he was a man who had fought and suffered gassing in the trenches in World War 1.  Nothing was known about PTSD at that time but I would think that must have been affecting him.  He had not been married long and must have just been starting to get over it with a new home and a small daughter in their lives.  Then this tragedy hits.  Luckily both him and Edith had very supportive families nearby to take care of my mum Kathleen.  He did marry again when Kathleen was 5  and she went back to live with him and his lovely new wife Evelyn who I always knew as grandma. 

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